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About us

Choose to stop (Välj att sluta) is a national confidential supportline offering advice, information and support in order to prevent you from being violent and abusive in your relationship with your partner or children.

Opening hours phoneline:
Monday-Friday: 8:30-16:00

Opening hours chatline:
Friday: 08:30-12:00

020 555 666
020 555 666

You're anonymous

Call is not visible on the phone bill

It is free

Have you harmed the ones you love?

Whether you’ve been abusive or violent once, twice, or many times, there’s probably a pattern to the things you do. We encourage you to reflect on your behaviours and how they have harmed others. Becoming aware of how you’re acting will help you take control of your behaviours – and ultimately, stop.

We are a team of skilled professionals offering advice, information and support to perpetrators of domestic violence, as well as to their partners and frontline workers.

The service is available to people in the whole country.

We offer telephone interpreting to enable those who speak other languages than Swedish or English to access our phoneline. Simply ask for a telephone interpreter when you call us – and tell us which language you prefer and wait in the telephone.

If there is a danger to someone’s life, call 112.